This five-storey mixed-use development is comprised of two commercial ground floor tenancies, car parking on the level above and three levels of residential apartments on top.
The building is a balance of transparent facades, lightweight articulation, vertical blade walls and horizontal design elements combined to anchor the base of the building and suspend the upper levels over
An overriding consideration for the layout and orientation of the mixed-use development was the prominent site location and elevated vistas towards the ocean, back toward the Terrigal ‘bowl’ and along the Church Street streetscape.
Majority of the residential units include elevated views of the ocean, natural ventilation, and solar access opportunities. Balconies create shading to each level and encourage indoor and outdoor living.
A central core is the basis for entry and circulation throughout the building and ties the individual units together in a cohesive and convenient hub. Pedestrian access is clearly visible and accessible from the street, creating a desirable residential identity and assists in activating the commercial streetscape.
The development incorporates a combination of contemporary, high quality materials, including stone, commercial grade aluminium framed windows, timber look aluminium cladding and stainless-steel fixings.
The masonry elements of the building will be finished with a light, white-grey wall colour with various decorative patterns to create additional visual interest. Bronze finished aluminium will be used for screening elements to soften the buildings external appearance.
The building has been designed with a solid base and a light top with increased setbacks, generous cantilevered roof and glazed elements. The result is a built form that is elegant and in proportion with the surrounding context.
LOCATION: Terrigal Beach, Central Coast NSW
PROJECT NAME: Church Street Mixed-Use Development
YEAR: Under Construction